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Ku-tallaalidda Wadnaha

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Ku-tallaalidda Wadnaha

A heart transplant is a surgical procedure where the diseased heart is replaced with a healthier heart. This surgery is performed where the condition of the heart does not show any improvement even after the medications. A heart transplant is a major operation. Heart transplants are usually performed when the treatments for the heart problems do not work accordingly. The other factors or the reasons that need a heart transplant include; 

  • The heart muscle is weak.

  • If one has coronary artery disease.

  • Has a disease with the heart wall.

  • If one has a heart problem by birth.

  • If there is the failure of the previously performed heart transplant.

Doctors cannot suggest a heart transplant for everyone. They are not for;

  • Heart transplants are not advisable for people of advanced age.

  • If the person has any other severe serious problem like kidney or lung disease.

  • If one has a severe infection.

What are the risks involved in heart transplants?

Like any other surgery, a heart transplant comes with its own set of risks. It includes;

  • Rejection of the donor's heart.

  • Primary graft failure.

  • Arteries problems.

  • Side effects of the medications.

  • Kansarka.

  • Caabuqa.

How can one prepare for a heart transplant?

Preparations usually begin much before receiving the donor's heart. After receiving the donor heart, the person will be referred to the transplant center for evaluation.

  • The evaluation tests will check the heart condition.

  • If the body is healthy to sustain the heart transplant.

  • The candidate should be ready to quit smoking.

  • Should be ready to follow all the medications properly.

  • Have the support of family and friends.


This is open-heart surgery and usually takes several hours. If the patient has undergone surgeries previously, the time taken will be longer.  During the surgery, you will be given general anesthesia that causes sleep during the procedure. The surgeons will connect to the bypass machine, which will help in the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body during the procedure.

The surgeon will then make an incision in the chest. The failed heart is removed and replaced by the donor's heart. Then the major blood vessels are attached. Sometimes shock treatment might be induced to encourage the new heart to beat properly. The medications will be given which will help to control the pain which will be after the surgery. The fluids and the medications will be through intravenous tubes after the surgery.

After the heart transplant.

Once the heart transplant is done then it is required to be in the intensive care unit for a few days. It is very important to be monitored for any kind of rejection. There will be biopsies in the first few months. The symptoms could be shortness of breath, fever or not passing the urine or gaining weight. At CARE Hospitals, you will find a team of doctors and nurses who are always available to take care of you and to keep you comfortable as you recover. 

There is always an adjustment to be made which includes medications that have to be taken throughout life.It is important to take the medications as per the doctor's instructions. A proper lifestyle also has to be maintained as per the doctor’s instruction that includes exercising, eating healthy and nutritious food and the usage has to be avoided. Most of the people after the heart transplant have a good life. Once the condition is stable one can resume the regular activities.

To know more, you can always visit your nearest CARE Hospital. 


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