
How to Cure Migraine: 14 Home Remedies for Relief

Updated on 28 November 2023

Migraines can be incredibly debilitating, but finding lasting relief is possible. While there might not be a one-size-fits-all solution, understanding the causes of migraines and exploring various treatments can provide you with the keys to managing and preventing these painful headaches and also potentially understanding how to cure migraine naturally.

Understanding the Causes of Migraines

Identifying your specific migraine triggers can be a crucial step in how to cure migraine.

  • Genetics: Migraines often run in families, indicating a genetic predisposition.
  • Triggers: Common triggers include certain foods (e.g., caffeine, alcohol, processed foods), weather changes, bright lights, loud noises, and strong odours.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, especially in women during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can provoke migraines.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Irregular sleep patterns, high-stress levels, and skipping meals may contribute to migraine attacks.
  • Medications: Some medications, including oral contraceptives and blood pressure drugs, can trigger migraines.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to smoke, allergens, or pollution can increase the risk of migraines.
  • Dietary Factors: Certain food additives like Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and artificial sweeteners may act as migraine triggers.
  • Physical Factors: Strenuous exercise or physical exertion can lead to migraines in susceptible individuals.
  • Emotional Factors: Emotional stress, anxiety, and depression can increase the likelihood of migraine attacks.
  • Health Conditions: Underlying health issues like sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and chronic pain may be associated with migraines.

How to Cure Migraines - 14 Home Remedies For Relief

In this section, we'll delve deep into how to cure migraine home remedies, that can help alleviate migraines. Here are a variety of methods to explore and follow for effective relief.

  1. Essential Oils: Essential oils like lavender and peppermint are known for their soothing properties. Applying a drop or two on your temples or a cloth and inhaling the aroma can provide relief during a migraine attack.
  2. Hydration: Dehydration is a common migraine trigger. Ensuring you drink an adequate amount of water daily can help in preventing headaches.
  3. Dietary Adjustments: Make necessary dietary changes by avoiding processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and foods that are known to trigger migraines. Adopt a diet that's migraine-friendly.
  4. Caffeine Intake: Regulate your caffeine consumption. Both overuse and withdrawal from caffeine can lead to headaches. Finding the right balance is crucial.
  5. Ginger Tea: Ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Intake of ginger tea can help alleviate the severity of migraines and potentially answer the question - How to cure migraine headache at home?
  6. Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress to your forehead or neck during a migraine attack can help numb the area and reduce pain. This technique can cure migraine immediately.
  7. Hot Compress: A hot compress can relax the tense neck and head muscles, making it useful in easing head pain during migraines.
  8. Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation methods such as deep breathing exercises and meditation. Stress can trigger migraines, and relaxation techniques can help alleviate this.
  9. Magnesium Supplements: Some individuals find relief from migraines by taking magnesium supplements. Consult with your healthcare provider before trying this option.
  10. Sleep Hygiene: Consistent sleep patterns and adequate rest are essential. Maintain a sleep schedule to avoid sleep-related migraines.
  11. Feverfew Supplements: A plant related to daisies, feverfew supplements have shown potential in reducing both the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Consider discussing this option with your healthcare provider.
  12. Riboflavin Supplements: Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, has shown promise in migraine prevention. Discuss with your healthcare provider if riboflavin supplements could be beneficial for you on how to cure migraines permanently home remedies.
  13. Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 supplements are said to provide relief to many migraine sufferers. Consult with your healthcare provider to see if this is an option for you.
  14. De-stressing: Stress is a common migraine trigger. Regular exercise, combined with stress-reduction techniques, can help you manage stress effectively

Emerging Therapies & Technologies

The field of migraine treatment is continually evolving. Learn about some of the latest therapies and technologies, including neuromodulation devices and monoclonal antibodies, that hold promise for those seeking lasting relief and answer the age-old question of how to get rid of migraine permanently.

  • Neuromodulation devices stimulate nerves to prevent or alleviate migraines.
  • Monoclonal antibodies are innovative treatments that target specific proteins associated with migraine attacks.
  • CGRP inhibitors are medications designed to block the action of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP), a protein implicated in migraines.
  • Neurostimulation: Techniques that use electrical impulses to modulate brain activity and reduce migraine frequency.
  • Telemedicine: The increasing use of remote healthcare services to provide migraine consultations and treatment.

How to Cure Migraines When Pregnant?

Pregnancy can bring its own set of challenges when it comes to managing migraines. Always explore safe options for pregnant individuals who are looking for effective migraine solutions. Some of the simplest ways to avoid migraines and get relief are by- 

  • staying hydrated, 
  • avoiding skipping meals, 
  • doing stress reduction techniques through prenatal yoga, 
  • reducing caffeine intake, 
  • getting adequate sleep and 
  • identifying the triggers to avoid for better management

How to Avoid Migraine Triggers

Avoiding triggers is a fundamental part of migraine management. Below are the tips and strategies for identifying and steering clear of common migraine triggers.

  1. Keep a trigger diary to note what might potentially cause migraines
  2. Avoid or manage stress, which is a well-known trigger.
  3. Hormonal triggers: Keep track of your hormonal changes, especially in women. It can help you stay prepared for a potential migraine attack.
  4. Lifestyle Modification: Improving sleep patterns, reducing caffeine intake and maintaining a migraine-friendly diet, as mentioned above.


While curing migraines permanently may not be a guarantee, you can significantly reduce their frequency and severity with the right approach. By understanding the causes, exploring natural remedies, and staying informed about emerging therapies, one can take significant steps on how to get rid of migraine at home. It is always a good idea to visit the best healthcare facility to receive the most effective treatment plan and advice for better migraine management.

Dr Priyanka Shukla { Dietician }
Ramkrishna CARE Hospitals, Raipur, Chhattisgarh


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