
Understand The Structure of The Heart & How Heart Attack Happens | Dr. Aman Salwan | CARE Hospitals

Know the structure of the heart explained in detail by Dr. Aman Salwan, Sr. Consultant and Interventional Cardiologist, CARE Hospitals, Nampally, Hyderabad. He explains about what are the arteries, veins and how they supply blood to our heart. He also demonstrates how heart attack happens. Watch the full video to understand in detail. To know more about Dr. Aman Salwan, visit https://www.carehospitals.com/doctor/hyderabad/nampally/aman-salwan-interventional-cardiologistTo book an appointment call – 040 6720 6588#CAREHospitals #TransformingHealthcare #heart #heartstructure #heartorgans To know more visit our website - https://www.carehospitals.com/ Social Media Links: https://www.facebook.com/carehospitalsindia https://www.instagram.com/care.hospitalshttps://twitter.com/CareHospitalsIn https://www.youtube.com/c/CAREHospitalsIndiahttps://www.linkedin.com/company/care-quality-care-india-limited CARE Hospitals Group is a multi-specialty healthcare provider with 16 healthcare facilities serving 8 cities across 6 states in India.