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Best Sciatica Treatment in Hyderabad

Sciatica can be defined as the pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. This usually starts from the lower back through the hips and the buttocks and goes down in the legs.

When a person suffers from sciatica he or she undergoes pain in the spine that gets prolonged and is even felt in the back of the leg and usually occurs on only one side of the body.

The pain usually starts when the bone spur compresses one of the nerve parts. When the pain occurs it will lead to inflammation, pain, and some kind of numbness in the leg that has been affected. The suffering due to the sciatic pain often becomes severe but can be treated without any surgery. Surgery can be suggested for only patients who undergo bladder changes. Otherwise, through medication and physiotherapy, the pain can be treated within a few weeks.


When pain circulates from the lower spine to the buttocks and moves forward down the back of the leg then it can be indicated as sciatica. Wherever the nerve path goes, there will be discomfort in the path, but usually, the pain will be from the lower back to the buttock then to the thigh and the calf.

Sometimes the pain will be mild or sometimes it could be a little more as well. However, it can be reduced widely through medication and physiotherapy. When the pain is severe it sometimes feels like an electric shock. The pain aggravates when you sit for a long time and one of the sides is affected. The other symptom can be when some people experience numbness in the affected leg.

Types of sciatica pain

Depending on the duration of symptoms and if one or both legs are affected, sciatica can be of different types:

  • Acute sciatica usually happens when the bone spur on the spine is compressed to the part of the nerve. There could be inflammation, pain, and numbness in the affected leg.
  • Chronic sciatica lasts for a long duration. Sometimes it goes away but again comes back.
  • Alternating sciatica affects both legs alternatively.
  • Bilateral sciatica, unlike alternative sciatica, occurs in both legs.


For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will examine physically by checking the strengths of the muscle and the reflexes. The doctor will ask the patient to walk on the toes and heels. This is because the pain of sciatica is triggered during such activities and it will be easier for the doctors to treat the patient. Some of the methods of the diagnosis are 

  • An X-ray will reveal if there is an overgrowth of the pain that could be the cause of the pain as the overgrowth part will press on the nerve.

  • MRI procedure uses magnetic and radio waves that are quite powerful to catch detailed images of the bone and the tissues.

  • CT Scan is used to get the image of the spine by a simple procedure of injecting a contrast dye that appears white on the scan.

  • Electromyography which EMG is used to measure the electrical impulses which are produced by the nerves.


  • Medications- Some of the types that would be prescribed by the doctor to relieve the pain would include Anti-inflammatories, Muscle relaxants, Narcotics, Tricyclic antidepressants, and Anti-seizure medications.
  • Physical therapy- This is advised when there is a reduction to acute pain through the medications prescribed by the doctor. Physical therapy includes exercises that will correct the posture and also strengthen the muscles that support the back and there is an improvement in the flexibility.
  • Steroid injections- Steroid injections can be recommended according to the condition. The injection is given in the area of the root of the nerve. 
  • Surgery- Surgery will be the last option to be prescribed by the doctor. The surgery method will only be opted if the nerve causes the weakness or there is a loss of bladder control, the pain is too much or there is no improvement with any of the prescribed medications.
  • Cold and hot packs- It is advisable to apply the heat pack to the areas of pain. You can use cold packs. This will give a great amount of relief. keep the cold pack at least for 20 minutes on the painful area.
  • Exercises like stretching- Exercises like stretching for the lower back will give great relief to the pain. Avoid jerking or twisting while you are exercising. Some pain relief will be prescribed by the doctors. When the pain increases inhaling one of the painkillers will give you comfort. The doctors will recommend some more therapies like Acupuncture and Chiropractic.

What are the risk factors for sciatica?

Sciatica can happen for various reasons, and there are several factors that can increase your risk, including:

  • Past or current injuries: If you've had an injury to your spine or lower back before, you're more likely to develop sciatica.
  • Normal wear and tear: As you get older, the regular wear and tear on your spine can lead to problems like pinched nerves and herniated disks, which can cause sciatica. Conditions related to aging, like osteoarthritis, can also be a factor.
  • Being overweight or obese: Imagine your spine as a crane holding you upright. The more weight you have in the front of your body, the harder your back muscles have to work, which can result in back pain and other issues.
  • Lack of core strength: Your "core" includes the muscles in your back and stomach area. Having stronger core muscles is like upgrading the crane's parts to handle a heavier load. Strong abdominal muscles help support your back muscles, which can prevent problems like sciatica.

How is sciatica diagnosed?

A healthcare provider can figure out if you have sciatica using different methods. They will ask about your medical history and your symptoms. They will also do a physical checkup, which includes:

  • Observing how you walk: Sciatica can change the way you walk, and your provider will look for these changes as part of the diagnosis.
  • Straight leg raise test: You'll lie down on a table with your legs straight, and they'll slowly lift each leg toward the ceiling, asking when you feel pain or other symptoms. This test helps identify the cause of sciatica and how to treat it.
  • Checking your flexibility and strength: Your provider will assess your flexibility and strength to see if any other factors might be causing or contributing to your sciatica.

Surgery options for sciatica

In more severe cases of sciatica, surgery might be the best choice. Typically, doctors won't suggest surgery unless your symptoms show nerve damage is happening or about to happen. They might also recommend surgery if your pain is really bad and stops you from working or doing your regular activities, or if your symptoms don't get better after six to eight weeks of non-surgical treatments.

There are two main types of surgery to relieve sciatica:

  1. Diskectomy: This surgery removes pieces or small parts of a herniated disk that are pressing on a nerve.
  2. Laminectomy: Each vertebra in your spine has a back part called the lamina. A laminectomy involves taking out a section of the lamina that's pressing on spinal nerves.

Pain from sciatica in your back, buttocks, or legs can significantly affect your daily life. The good thing is that there are many ways to aid your own recovery. Mild cases can often be managed without professional intervention. Even when the symptoms are more severe, there are usually effective treatments available. Surgery is rarely needed, but it remains an option for severe cases. With the right treatment, you can overcome sciatica and regain control over your life.


1. Is it possible for sciatica to affect both legs?

Sciatica typically impacts one leg at a time. However, in rare instances, it can affect both legs.

2. Does sciatica come on suddenly, or does it develop gradually?

The onset of sciatica can be sudden or gradual, depending on its underlying cause. For example, a herniated disk or injury can lead to abrupt pain, while conditions like spinal arthritis develop slowly over time.

3. Can sciatica cause my leg and/or ankle to swell?

Sciatica can result in inflammation or swelling in the leg it affects when it originates from a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, or bone spurs. Leg swelling can also occur due to complications associated with piriformis syndrome (inflammation of the piriformis muscle, a muscle present in the gluteal region of the thigh.

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