
Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment in Hyderabad, India

Trusted and Comprehensive Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis 

Fighting from a chronic disease like multiple sclerosis and looking for the best treatment? then you have landed at the right place. CARE Hospitals offer the best cure for multiple sclerosis. This disease affects the central nervous system of the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerves. And, symptoms can be varied throughout the body. In the initial stages, the patient can suffer from symptoms like numbness in limbs or tingling and blurred vision. In severe cases, vision loss, mobility problems, and paralysis are reported (it is quite common). 

Discovering the cause of multiple sclerosis 

Scientists do not offer an exact cause of MS (multiple sclerosis) but they believe that MS is an autoimmune disorder that impacts the central nervous system of a human. If a person is suffering from autoimmune disease, then healthy tissues are attacked by the immune system just like bacteria or viruses. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system assaults the myelin sheath that protects and surrounds the nerve fiberes at the same time causing inflammation. This disease results in scar tissues in varied areas. Doctors call this sclerosis or scars areas lesions or plaques. They primarily impact:-

  • The presence of white matter in some areas of the brain 

  • Spinal cord

  • Brain stem 

  • The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating balance and movements

  • Optic nerves

With the growth of lesions, nerves can get damaged. Due to this, brain electrical pulses stop the smooth flow and disable the body from attempting certain functions. 

Multiple sclerosis has been categorized into four types:-

  • RRMS (Relapse-remitting MS) - This is considered the most common type as around 80% of people are diagnosed with this at the initial stage. This includes episodes of fresh and growing symptoms that are followed by remission periods during that time a few symptoms go away completely or partially. 
  • CIS (Clinically isolated syndrome) - It is known as the first or single episode in which symptoms last around 24 hours. At a later stage, it is called RRMS. 
  • PPMS (Primary Progressive MS) - Symptoms of multiple sclerosis deteriorate progressively in absence of remission or early relapses. It is reported among 20% of people. 
  • SPMS (Secondary progressive MS - Once people have experienced remission or relapse episodes, then this disease starts progressing steadily. 

Come to us when you have early symptoms and signs 

By now, you are aware of the fact that MS impacts the central nervous system that controls each action of our body, so it may affect different body parts, such as:

  • Tingling and numbness - A needle or pin-type sensation is felt as the earliest symptom. It may affect the legs, arms, body, and face. 
  • Weakness of muscles - With the symptoms growing, people may start developing weak muscles in the absence of stimulation that further resulting in nerve damage. 
  • Bladder issues - This is called an early sign where a person does not have control over urination and finds it difficult to empty his bladder. 
  • Sign of Lhermitte - It is like a sensation of electric shock at the time of moving your neck. 
  • Vertigo and dizziness - These are problems that are accompanied by coordination and balance issues. 
  • Bowel issues - Faecal impaction is caused due to constipation which may further result in bowel incontinence. 
  • Sexual dysfunction - Both females and males start losing interest in sex. 
  • Vision issues - First people report tremors. After this, they also experience blurred or double vision. This may be a total loss or partial loss of vision. There is a pain in eye movement and one eye is affected at a time. 
  • Memory and learning issues - The patient finds it hard to plan, concentrate, multitask, prioritise and learn. 
  • Depression - Nerve fibere damage or demyelination might be damaged in the brain that results in emotional changes. 
  • Pain - This is a usual symptom of MS, especially neuropathic pain. Other pains are due to muscle stiffness. A few less common symptoms include hearing loss, headache, itching, breathing issues, speech disorders, and more. 

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis by our specialists 

Our experts map out all the causes such as age, genetic factors, sex, infections, smoking habits, vitamin D or B12 deficiency, etc. Once we are done with knowing the potential causes and medical history of the patient, it is time that our doctors recommend neurological and physical examination. Sometimes, a single test is not enough according to the severity, so we go for different strategies for diagnosis criteria, which includes:

  • Spinal fluid analysis is able to evaluate antibodies that indicate earlier protein consistency or infection. 

  • MRI scan for spinal cord and brain to explore lesions. 

  • An evoked diagnosis is done to evaluate electrical activity for stimuli response.

Specialized treatment for multiple sclerosis 

It is true that there is no complete cure for multiple sclerosis but we have treatment for it to show its progression. Our treatment is effective to reduce relapses severity and relieving the potential symptoms. For a few patients, we also use alternative or complementary therapies. 

While there is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), the focus of treatment is on symptom management, minimizing relapses (periods of symptom exacerbation), and slowing the progression of the disease. A comprehensive treatment plan may encompass the following:

  • Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs): Various medications approved by the FDA are available for the long-term treatment of MS. These DMTs are designed to reduce the frequency of relapses, slow down the progression of the disease, and prevent the formation of new lesions on the brain and spinal cord.
  • Relapse Management Medications: In the event of a severe relapse, neurologists may recommend high doses of corticosteroids. These medications aim to swiftly reduce inflammation and impede damage to the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells.
  • Physical Rehabilitation: MS can impact physical function, and maintaining physical fitness and strength is crucial for preserving mobility. Physical rehabilitation plays a vital role in managing the effects of the disease on physical abilities.
  • Mental Health Counseling: Coping with a chronic condition like MS can pose emotional challenges, and the disease itself may affect mood and memory. Seeking support from a neuropsychologist or engaging in other forms of emotional support is integral to effectively managing the overall impact of the disease.


Disease-modifying therapies stand out as the most effective approach to reduce the frequency of flare-ups, also known as relapses or attacks, in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, leading a healthy lifestyle is equally crucial, as the choices made can contribute to slowing the progression of the disease and improving overall well-being.

Adopting certain lifestyle changes can positively impact the condition:

  • Maintaining a Healthy Diet: While there is no specific "magic" diet for MS, experts recommend a well-balanced diet comprising abundant fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. Limiting the intake of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed foods is also advised.
  • Engaging in Regular Exercise: MS can lead to muscle weakness, balance issues, and difficulty walking. Regular aerobic exercise, along with flexibility and strength training, is essential to strengthen muscles and preserve physical function.
  • Stress Management: Stress can have both physical and emotional implications, impacting overall well-being. Managing stress through activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise, and seeking support from a mental health provider is important. Adequate stress management can also improve sleep and alleviate MS-related fatigue.
  • Avoiding Smoking and Limiting Alcohol Intake: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are associated with the exacerbation of MS symptoms and may accelerate disease progression. Quitting smoking is beneficial for overall health and supports the management of MS.

Medications for slow progression 

Our doctors recommend DMT (disease-modifying therapies) that have been approved by FDA (Food and drug administration) to treat MS relapsing forms. These work on modifying the functions of the immune system. Our doctors give these in varied ways via infusion, injection, or mouth. The intervals that a patient needs these drugs also vary from patient to patient. 

Our aim is to offer the best treatment to our patients so along with impactful medications, we also provide potential physical and rehabilitation therapies. We recommend physical therapy to restore and maintain maximum movement ability. Occupational therapy for self-care, therapeutic usage of work, and maintaining physical and mental function. Cognitive, vocational, and occupational therapies also work wonders for the patients. Have queries in your mind, share them with us, and get the best guidance and treatment. 

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