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Best Treatment for Bone Fracture in Hyderabad

A fracture is a break, most often in a bone. An open or complicated fracture occurs when a shattered bone punctures the skin. Fractures are usually caused by vehicle accidents, falls, or sports injuries. Low bone density and osteoporosis are two more reasons for bone weakness. Stress fractures, which are extremely minute fissures in the bone, can be caused by overuse.

Fracture symptoms include:

  • Excruciating agony

  • Deformity - the limb appears to be out of position

  • Swelling, bruising, or discomfort in the area of the injury

  • Tingling and numbness

  • Having difficulty moving a limb

Diagnosis at CARE Hospitals

Bone Scan

A bone scan is a nuclear imaging test that aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of many forms of bone disease. If you have unexplained skeletal pain, a bone infection, or bone damage that cannot be seen on a conventional X-ray, your doctor may recommend a bone scan.

A bone scan can also be useful in finding cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the bone from the initial site of the tumour, such as the breast or prostate. A bone scan may assist in pinpointing the reason for unexplained bone discomfort. The test is extremely sensitive to changes in bone metabolism. A bone scan's capacity to scan the complete skeleton makes it extremely useful in identifying a wide range of bone ailments, including:

  • Fractures

  • Arthritis

  • Paget's disease is a bone disease.

  • Cancer that begins in the bones

  • Cancer that has spread to the bone from another location

  • Bone infection (osteomyelitis)

Some photographs may be taken shortly following the injection. The major photos, on the other hand, are taken two to four hours later to allow the tracer to circulate and be absorbed by your bones. While you wait, your doctor may advise you to drink several glasses of water.

The examination

You will be requested to lie still on a table while arm-like equipment with a tracer-sensitive camera travels back and forth across your body. The scanning process might take up to an hour. The examination process is completely painless.

A three-phase bone scan, which contains a sequence of pictures obtained at different periods, may be ordered by your doctor. A series of photos are taken as the tracer is administered, then immediately thereafter, and again three to five hours later.

Your doctor may request extra imaging called single-photon emission computerized tomography to better see particular bones in your body (SPECT). This imaging can assist with diseases that are very deep in your bone or in difficult-to-see areas. The camera revolves around your body during a SPECT scan, capturing photos as it goes.

A radiologist (a doctor who specializes in analyzing pictures) will examine the scans for signs of abnormal bone metabolism. These locations appear as darker "hot spots" and lighter "cold spots" depending on whether or not tracers have been collected.

Although a bone scan detects anomalies in bone metabolism, it is less useful in pinpointing the particular origin of the problem. If a bone scan reveals hot patches, more testing may be required to discover the reason.

X-ray (Radiography)

To create images of any bone in the body, a very little quantity of ionizing radiation is used in a bone x-ray. It is frequently used to detect broken bones or joint dislocation. Your doctor can inspect and diagnose bone fractures, traumas, and joint problems with bone x-rays since they are the quickest and easiest technique.

This exam needs little to no preparation. Inform your doctor and the technologist if you suspect you are pregnant. Wear loose, comfy clothes and leave your jewels at home. You could be required to wear a gown.

An X-ray exam aids doctors in the diagnosis and treatment for bone fractures and other medical disorders. It exposes you to a low dosage of ionizing radiation in order to obtain images of the inside of your body. X-rays are the most common and oldest type of medical imaging.

Any bone in the body can be imaged with a bone scan in hyderabad, including the hand, wrist, arm, elbow, shoulder, spine, pelvis, hip, thigh, knee, leg (shin), ankle, or foot.

An x-ray of the bones is used to:

  • determine whether a bone has been shattered or a joint has been dislocated

  • exhibit adequate alignment and stability of bone fragments after fracture therapy

  • orthopaedic surgery such as spine repair/fusion, joint replacement, and fracture reduction

  • In metabolic problems, search for injury, infection, arthritis, aberrant bone growths, and bony alterations.

  • help in the identification and diagnosis of bone cancer

  • find foreign items in the soft tissues around or within bones

The x-ray images will be analyzed by a radiologist, a doctor who is qualified to monitor and interpret radiology tests. The radiologist will submit a signed report to your primary care physician or referring physician, who will go through the findings with you and further decide on bone cracking treatment in hyderabad.

You may require a follow-up examination. A follow-up test may be necessary to further analyze a suspected problem with more views or particular imaging technology. Follow-up assessments are frequently the most effective approach to determine if therapy is effective or whether an issue requires attention.

 If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please dial the ambulance number.

  • The person is not responding, is not breathing, and is not moving. If you do not feel a pulse or heartbeat, start performing CPR.

  • There is a lot of blood.

  • Pain is caused by even moderate pressure or movement.

  • The limb or joint looks to be crooked.

  • The skin has been punctured by the bone.

  • The wounded arm or leg's extremity, such as a toe or finger, is numb or blue at the tip.

  • You believe a bone in your neck, head, or back has been fractured.

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