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Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that restores drooping eyelids by removing extra skin, muscle, and fat. Your eyelids expand as you become older, and the muscles that support them weaken. As a consequence, extra fat may accumulate above and behind your eyelids, resulting in drooping brows, droopy upper lids, and bags under your eyes.

Aside from making you seem older, excessively drooping skin around your eyes can impair your peripheral vision, particularly in the top and outer areas of your field of vision. Blepharoplasty surgery can improve or remove these visual issues while also making your eyes seem younger and more attentive. CARE Hospitals is one of the best hospitals to provide laser eyelid surgery in Hyderabad.

What happens during the blepharoplasty procedure?

Before the procedure

Blepharoplasty is often performed as an outpatient procedure. To help you relax, your surgeon injects numbing medicine into your eyes and delivers intravenous medication.

During the procedure

If you undergo eyelid lift surgery on both your upper and lower eyelids, the surgeon will usually start with the upper lids. The doctor makes an incision along the eyelid fold, removes some extra skin, muscle, and maybe fat, and then seals the wound.

On the lower lid, the surgeon cuts slightly below the lashes in the natural crease of your eye or within the lower lid. Then the skin is cur and extra fat, muscle, and sagging skin is removed or redistributed before closing the wound. 

If your upper eyelid droops too close to your pupil, your surgeon may combine blepharoplasty with ptosis, a surgery that adds support to the brow muscle.

After the procedure

After surgery, you will be monitored for issues in a recovery room. You are free to go later that day to rest at home.

Following surgery, you may experience:

  • Blurred vision as a result of the lubricating ointment used on your eyes

  • Swollen eyes

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Doubtful vision

  • Eyelids puffy and numb

  • Swelling and bruises resembling black eyes

  • Discomfort or pain

Your doctor would most likely advise you to do the following after surgery:

  • The night following surgery, apply cold packs to your eyes for 10 minutes per hour. The next day, apply cold packs to your eyes four to five times during the day.

  • Clean your eyelids gently and use the suggested eye drops or ointments.

  • For a week, avoid straining, hard lifting, and swimming.

  • For a week, avoid intense activities like aerobics and jogging.

  • Avoid smoking.

  • Try not to rub your eyes.

  • If you wear contact lenses, wait about two weeks following surgery before using them.

  • To protect the skin on your eyelids from the sun and wind, use dark-tinted sunglasses.

  • For a few days, sleep with your head higher than your chest.

  • To minimize edema, apply cold compresses.

  • Return to the doctor's office to have any stitches removed within a few days.


Many people are pleased with the outcomes of blepharoplasty, which include a more relaxed and young appearance as well as increased self-confidence. For some people, the effects of surgery last longer and others may have a recurrence of droopy eyelids.

Bruising and swelling should go away in 10 to 14 days, which is when you should feel safe going out in public again. Surgical incisions can leave scars that take months to fade. Take care not to overexpose your delicate eyelid skin to the sun.


Like any surgery, there is a level of risk involved in blepharoplasty. Although complications and unfavorable outcomes are infrequent, they can still occur. Problems that can occur include:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Abnormal discoloration of your eyelids.
  • Scarring.
  • Abnormal folding in or out of your eyelid skin.
  • An inability to fully close your eyes.
  • A pulled-down, lower-lid lash line.
  • Possible loss of vision.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin, muscle, and fat from the eyelids. This surgery can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids, or both, and is often done for both cosmetic and functional reasons. Here are some potential benefits of blepharoplasty:

  • Improved Appearance: One of the primary reasons people undergo blepharoplasty is to enhance their appearance. The procedure can rejuvenate the eyes and give a more youthful and rested look by reducing sagging or puffiness in the eyelids.
  • Reduced Bags and Puffiness: Blepharoplasty can address bags under the eyes and reduce puffiness, which may be caused by excess fat deposits. This can result in a more alert and refreshed appearance.
  • Wider Field of Vision: In some cases, sagging upper eyelid skin can obstruct vision. Blepharoplasty can remove this excess skin, improving the field of vision and overall eyesight.
  • Boost in Self-Confidence: Enhancing the appearance of the eyes can have a positive impact on self-esteem and confidence. People often feel more comfortable and satisfied with their overall appearance after the procedure.
  • Permanent Results: While the natural aging process continues, the results of blepharoplasty are generally long-lasting. Many people find that the benefits of the surgery endure for years.
  • Complementary to Other Procedures: Blepharoplasty can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other facial rejuvenation surgeries, such as a facelift or brow lift, for a more comprehensive facial enhancement.
  • Correction of Functional Issues: In addition to cosmetic benefits, blepharoplasty can also address functional issues such as drooping eyelids that interfere with vision. This may be especially relevant for older individuals.
  • Quick Recovery: Compared to some other cosmetic surgeries, the recovery time for blepharoplasty is often relatively quick. Many people can return to their normal activities within a week or two after the procedure.

CARE Hospitals is one of the best hospitals to perform advanced and latest procedures with a high success rate, making it the best Blepharoplasty Surgery Hospital in Hyderabad

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