Master Health Checkup Package near HITEC City

Master Health Check

CARE Hospitals, HITEC City, Hyderabad

Package Included

  • Haemogram: Complete Blood Count (RBC, HB, TC, & DC) + ESR
  • Biochemical Parameters: Fasting and Post Prandial, Blood Sugar, Blood Urea, Serum Creatinine, serum Electrolyte, Fasting Lipid Profile, Liver Function Test, TSH
  • General: Complete Urine Examination, Blood Grouping and RH Typing
  • Radiology Diagnostics: Chest X-ray PA, Ultrasound Abdomen (Screening)
  • Cardiac Screening: ECG, 2D Echo
  • Cancer Screening: Pap Smear (for Women)
  • Consultation: General Medicine, Cardiology, Dental, Gynaecology, Dietitian Counselling


Regular medical check is critical for maintaining good health and serve as a caution against any disease. CARE Hospitals offer comprehensive health check packages with experienced specialist doctors using state-of-the-art facilities.

Prior appointment is mandatory Fasting for 12 hours before the check

Prior Appointment is Mandatory

Prior appointment is mandatory Fasting for 12 hours before the check

No medication, alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco or any liquid (except water) in the morning. He/she should be fasting for 10-12 Hours before the Check-up.

Prior appointment is mandatory Fasting for 12 hours before the check

Please bring your medical prescriptions and medical records

Please wear two-piece comfortable clothes and sandals, as far as possible

Inform wellness reception, if you have a history of diabetes or cardiac problems

Please wear two-piece comfortable clothes and sandals, as far as possible

Pregnant women or those who suspect a pregnancy are advised not to undergo X-Ray tests

Please wear two-piece comfortable clothes and sandals, as far as possible

Please wear two-piece comfortable clothes and sandals, as far as possible