
Ambroxol Hydrochloride

Ambroxol HCL is a secretolytic drug that treats respiratory conditions linked to thick or viscous mucus. It is the main component of medications Lasolvan, Mucosolvan, and Mucoangin. It is a mucoactive medication with several characteristics, such as pectolytic and secretomotor activities that help restore the respiratory tract's physiological clearance systems. These mechanisms are crucial to the body's defence mechanisms. 

Ambroxol hydrochloride encourages type II pneumocytes to synthesise and release surfactant. Surfactants function as an anti-glue factor by lessening mucus stickiness to the bronchial wall, enhancing mucus transport, and offering defence against irritation and infection.

What is Ambroxol Hydrochloride?

Ambroxol hydrochloride is one of bromhexine's metabolites. It has qualities that promote mucus transport (mucokinetic) and liquefy secretions (secretolytic). Ambroxol hydrochloride increases the amount of mucus secreted by stimulating the serous cells of the glands of the bronchi's mucous membrane. Ambroxol thins and breaks up phlegm or sputum to relieve congestion and cure respiratory conditions characterised by thick or excessive phlegm. Also, as ambroxol has a local numbing effect, it might relieve sore throats.

About half an hour after taking it, ambroxol begins to act. Sputum becomes thinner and less dense due to the breakdown of acid mucopolysaccharide fibres, facilitating easier removal through coughing. Sputum volume gradually reduces, but its viscosity stays low as long as treatment is continued.

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Uses

Here are some ambroxol hydrochloride uses: 

  • Bronchitis and Pneumoconiosis in Emphysema: Ambroxol hydrochloride is used to treat lung inflammation, persistent coughing, and shortness of breath by making the sputum thin, less dense, and easier to cough.
  • Tracheobronchitis: This medication treats the symptoms of tracheobronchitis, an infection that causes inflammation of the pulmonary and tracheal airways. In this instance, ambroxol helps patients with thick sputum and an intense cough.
  • Acute Bronchitis Infections: This medication should be used with the necessary antibiotic in acute bronchitis exacerbations since it facilitates mucus secretion, which helps relieve cough, difficulties expectorating, and other symptoms.

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Side Effects

Here are Ambroxol HCL side effects: 

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Dosage 

Here are the dosages for Ambroxol Hydrochloride: 

  • Adult - Average dosage ranges from 30 mg (one Ambroxol tablet) to 120 mg (four Ambroxol tablets), taken in two or three separate doses.
  • Children (5 years) - 1 tablespoon of Ambroxol syrup three times a day
  • Kids (2-5 years) - ½ tablespoon of Ambroxol syrup 2-3 times a day

Note: This medicine should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription. 


Before using this medicine, you should see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms or conditions. Symptoms that point to pneumonia or other lung infections (such as difficulty breathing at night, thick yellow or green mucus, blood-stained mucus, fever over 38 °C, chest pain), symptoms of a weakened immune system brought on by drugs (such as chemotherapy, immune system medication), or lung conditions that are currently present (such as chronic obstruction). Inform your healthcare providers if you have severe kidney, liver, or stomach ulcers.

This medication should not be taken if you have a history of allergies to Ambroxol, Bromhexine, or any other substance listed in it. It is not recommended for those with inherited galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency (a shortage of the digestive enzyme lactose), or issues with galactose absorption to use ambroxol tablets because some of them may contain lactose as an inactive ingredient.

Using Ambroxol in the first trimester of pregnancy is not advised. As Ambroxol might be secreted in breast milk, it is not recommended to take it during breastfeeding. If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.

Missed Dose

Take the medication as soon as you remember if you miss a dose. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed one and resume your dosing regimen. Never take a double dose to make up for a missed dose. Consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to notify you if you often miss doses. Please contact your doctor if you've missed too many doses lately so they can recommend changing your dosage regimen or creating a new one to account for missed doses.


Never take more than the recommended dosage. Taking extra medication won't help your symptoms; on the contrary, it may result in poisoning or other side effects. If you think that you or someone else may have overdosed on ambroxol hydrochloride syrup, immediately visit the emergency room of the closest hospital or assisted living facility. Carry a pillbox, bottle, or label to give doctors the necessary information.
Do not provide your medications to other people, even if you are aware that they share the same problem or they appear to have comparable symptoms. This may lead to overdosing. Please refer to your product packaging or speak with your pharmacist or doctor for further information.

Ambroxol Hydrochloride Storage 

Medicines should be stored at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, and away from heat. Don't freeze medications unless instructed to do so by the package insert. Keep children and pets away from drugs.

Never pour or flush medications down the toilet or the drain unless instructed. Such a disposal of narcotics could contaminate the air. For additional details regarding the disposal of Ambroxol Hydrochloride Syrup, please contact your physician or pharmacist.

Comparison of Ambroxol Hydrochloride vs Acetylcysteine


Ambroxol Hydrochloride



Mucolytic that loosens mucus and eases cough

Mucolytic that breaks down thick mucus

Dosage (Adults)

Varies by formulation (tablet, syrup, etc.) - Typically 300 mg daily

Varies by formulation (tablet, capsule, liquid) - Typically 600 mg daily

Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset

Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, rash

Age Limit

Generally safe for children over 2 years old

May not be recommended for children under 2 years old (check with doctor)

Additional Notes

May have some anti-inflammatory effects

Can also be used as an antidote for acetaminophen overdose


Ambroxol hydrochloride thins and loosens mucus in the airways, easing cough and congestion. It works by stimulating mucus production and making it less sticky. Generally well-tolerated, it's used in adults and children over 2 for acute and chronic respiratory illnesses. While effective, consult a doctor for dosage and potential interactions with other medications.


Q1. Is Ambroxol used for dry cough?

Ans. Ambroxol acts by thinning and releasing mucus in the respiratory tract. This helps loosen up congestion and increases the output of a cough (that produces mucus); however, mucus accumulation is not the cause of dry coughs. So, you should talk to the doctor about a more suitable one for your dry cough. The best action is to see a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate care.

Q2. How many days should I take Ambroxol?

Ans. You can take Ambroxol for 4–7 days without a doctor's advice. Also, how well you respond to the treatment and your particular illness will determine the ideal length.

Seeing a doctor is crucial if -

  • Your cough gets more severe or starts to produce coloured mucus.
  • After taking Ambroxol for seven days, you see no improvement.
  • You encounter any adverse effects that worry you.

Q3. When is the best time to take Ambroxol?

Ans. To maximise the effectiveness of Ambroxol, there is no one "best" time to take it. But there are a few things to think about:

  • Ambroxol occasionally causes mild unsettled stomach symptoms. You can take it with food to lessen this effect.
  • Taking Ambroxol before bed may be beneficial if your cough is very irritating at night and keeps you from sleeping.

Ultimately, the best course of action is probably to take Ambroxol at your earliest convenience. For best effects, just remember to take it regularly as prescribed by your physician or pharmacist.

Q4. Is Ambroxol good for sore throat?

Ans. Ambroxol may relieve sore throat pain, but it's not the first-line treatment. Talk to your doctor for better options.

Q5. Can I take Ambroxol without food?

Ans. Yes, Ambroxol can be taken with or without food. However, taking it with food might minimise potential stomach upset.