
Hugo™ RAS System


CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, has been at the forefront of the medical field, constantly striving for excellence in sustainable healthcare. As part of their commitment to providing the best medical services, CARE Hospitals has embraced cutting-edge technology like the Hugo™ Robotic Assisted Surgery (RAS) System. This revolutionary system empowers surgeons with precision, flexibility, and control, enhancing the outcomes and experience for both surgeons and patients.

Unleashing the Power of Hug0™ RAS System:

The Hugo™ RAS System is a modular, multi-quadrant platform that allows surgeons at CARE Hospitals to select the best surgical approach for complex treatments. It equips surgeons with wrist-like tiny instruments at the tip of surgical arms, ensuring increased maneuverability and pinpoint entry for precise procedures. A special camera provides enhanced magnified 3D views of the surgical area, giving surgeons unparalleled visual clarity.

Empowering Surgeons with Control:

At the heart of the Hugo™ RAS System is the surgical console, granting surgeons total control over the instruments and camera's every move. This immersive 3D visualization, along with Touch Surgery™ Enterprise's cloud-based surgical video capture and management solutions, further enhances the surgical experience for both surgeons and patients.

Key Enabling Features:

The Hugo™ RAS System offers a host of enabling features that contribute to its exceptional performance:

  • Increased Maneuverability: Surgeons experience a new level of precision with the system's pinpoint entry capability and ease of operation, ensuring accurate and efficient procedures.
  • Added Flexibility: CARE Hospitals' surgeons have total control over the number of arms deployed during surgery, enabling them to tailor the procedure according to the patient's unique needs.
  • Greater Communication and Control: The easy-grip controllers and communication tools enhance the surgeon's ability to navigate through the surgery with ease, ensuring seamless execution.

Outcomes that Maximize Benefits:

The Hugo™ RAS System, designed by surgeons for surgeons, has overcome the limitations of traditional minimally invasive and micro-surgeries, transforming the surgical landscape at CARE Hospitals. Not only does it enhance the capabilities of surgeons, but it also translates to numerous benefits for patients:

  • Pinpoint Accuracy: With the system's precision, surgeons can perform procedures with unmatched accuracy, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Smaller Incisions and Scars: Minimally invasive surgeries with the Hugo™ RAS System result in smaller incisions, leading to less scarring and better cosmetic outcomes.
  • Fewer Complications: The enhanced visualization and control offered by the system contribute to fewer complications during and after surgery.
  • Less Pain and Blood Loss: Patients experience reduced pain and blood loss, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable recovery process.
  • Reduced Risk of Infection: The minimally invasive nature of the procedures lowers the risk of infections, promoting faster healing.
  • Less Tissue Damage and Blood Transfusions: By minimizing tissue damage, patients may require fewer blood transfusions and experience less trauma during surgery.
  • Faster Recovery Time and Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients benefit from quicker recovery times and shorter hospital stays, allowing them to resume their daily lives sooner.
  • Consistent and Reliable Results: The Hugo™ RAS System ensures consistent surgical outcomes, instilling confidence in patients and healthcare providers alike.


CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, delivers the highest quality healthcare with the adoption of the Hugo™ RAS System. This state-of-the-art technology empowers surgeons with precision, flexibility, and control, translating to improved patient outcomes, shorter recovery times, and enhanced overall experiences. With the Hugo™ RAS System, CARE Hospitals continues to be a pioneer in the field of medical science, offering innovative solutions and exceptional care.