
General Surgery Blogs

General Surgery

Difference Between Cysts and Tumors

General Surgery

What is the Difference Between Cysts and Tumors

Have you ever noticed a lump under your skin and wondered what it might be? Understanding the differences between cysts and tumours can help ease your mind and guide you towards appropriate medical care. These two types of growths, while sometimes si...

1 October 2024
Difference between Piles, Fissures, and Fistula

General Surgery

Difference Between Piles, Fissures, and Fistula

Piles and fissures are anal pathologies which cause certain common symptoms like passing bloody stools or having trouble passing stools, itchy and irritable anal cavity, and discomfort when sitting for a long time, among other such symptoms.  ...

7 November 2023
How is Robotic Assisted Surgery better than Traditional Surgery?

General Surgery

How is Robotic Assisted Surgery better than Traditional Surgery?

When it comes to deciding between traditional open surgery and robot-assisted surgery, it becomes necessary to make an informed decision, especially when robotic-assisted surgery is new and includes p...

11 April 2023


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