
How Music Can Help Health Conditions

Updated on 18 August 2022

There is at least one song that triggers an emotional response in our system every time we listen to it. It usually is a song with relevance or memory attached to it, it could be the song of the first dance at your wedding, one that reminds you of a really difficult break-up, or simply a memory that holds significance in your life.

In fact, studies say that surgeons across the world have long played their favourite music in order to relieve stress while operating inside the operating theatre. Extending music to patients, even if under anaesthesia, has been linked to greatly improved surgical outcomes. Additionally, in the past few decades, music therapy has played a significant role in almost all facets of healing.

Reducing side effects of cancer therapy

Listening to music greatly reduces anxiety associated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In fact, studies have shown that music can also quell nausea for patients undergoing chemotherapy and help to improve quality of life by improving the heart rate, fatigue, respiratory rate, blood pressure and other side effects of cancer treatment.

Helping with physical therapy and rehabilitation

A lot of times, we work out a playlist. Doing this, you must have noticed that music helps you stick to your routine and often push your limits through increased stamina and reduced pain. Music therapy also enhances physical, psychological cognitive as well as emotional functioning during physical rehabilitation programs. Moreover, the rhythm of your workout music stimulates the motor area of the brain as to when to move, thereby aiding self-paced exercises such as running, walking or weight-lifting

Healing and pain relief

In controlled clinical trials of people having colonoscopies, cardiac angiography, childbirth or orthopaedic surgeries, those who listened to music before their procedure had less anxiety and less need for sedatives. Music therapy effectively reduces pain perception and also helps relieve depression post-surgery. While the exact reasons remain unclear, many studies say it is because listening to music triggers the release of opioids in the brain, the body’s natural pain relievers.

Improving the quality of life for people with dementia

Considering the fact that the positive effects of music remain significant late into the progress of a disease, music therapy can also help in evoking memories, reducing the level of agitation while also assisting communication and improving physical coordination to a great extent.


So, the next time you put on your favourite music track, remember you are not just benefitting from its soothing sound but also reaping some amazing health benefits. So relax, enjoy and maybe have a little dance around.






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