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Varicose Vein Surgery

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Varicose Vein Surgery

Diagnosis at CARE

Your doctor will perform a physical exam to detect varicose veins, including examining at your legs while you're standing to check for swelling. Your doctor may also ask you to explain any leg discomfort or soreness.

You may also require an ultrasound to see whether the valves in your veins are working regularly or if there is evidence of a blood clot. In this noninvasive test, a technician rubs your skin with a tiny hand-held instrument (transducer) roughly the size of a bar of soap over the area of your body being checked. The transducer sends pictures of your legs' veins to a monitor, where a technician and your doctor may observe them.

Treatment at CARE

Fortunately, therapy does not always include a hospital stay or a protracted, painful rehabilitation. Varicose veins may usually be treated on an outpatient basis thanks to less intrusive methods.

Check with your doctor to see whether your insurance will cover any of your therapy fees. If done for simply aesthetic reasons, you'll almost certainly have to pay for varicose vein therapy yourself.


  • Exercise, decreasing weight, avoiding tight clothing, elevating your legs, and avoiding long periods of standing or sitting can all help to relieve pain and prevent varicose veins from worsening.

  • Stockings with compression

  • Compression stockings worn all day are a frequent first step before moving on to further treatments. They offer steady pressure to your legs, helping blood to circulate more effectively via your veins and leg muscles. The amount of compression varies based on the sort and brand.

  • Most pharmacies and medical supply businesses carry compression stockings. Prescription-strength stockings are also available and are likely to be paid by insurance if your varicose veins are creating complications. Additional treatments are available for more severe varicose veins.

If self-care and compression stockings do not work, or if your disease is severe, your doctor may recommend one of the following varicose vein treatments:

  • Sclerotherapy. Your doctor uses a solution or foam to inject into small and medium-sized varicose veins, scarring and shutting them. In a few weeks, varicose veins that have been treated should disappear.

  • Sclerotherapy is effective when conducted properly, even though the same vein may need to be injected many times. Sclerotherapy does not require an anesthetic and can be done in the convenience of your doctor's office.

  • Large vein sclerotherapy using foam. Injection of a big vein with a foam solution is another option for closing and sealing a vein.

  • Treatment using a laser. Doctors are employing new laser technology to shut off tiny varicose and spider veins. Laser therapy works by directing intense bursts of light at the vein, causing it to diminish and vanish over time. There are no incisions or needles utilized.

  • Radiofrequency or laser energy is used in catheter-assisted operations. In one of these procedures, your doctor inserts a thin tube (catheter) into an enlarged vein and uses radiofrequency or laser radiation to heat the catheter's tip. The heat from the catheter kills the vein by forcing it to collapse and seal shut. For bigger varicose veins, this is the preferable therapy.

  • Vein stripping and high ligation This surgery entails tying off a vein before it connects to a deep vein and then removing the vein using minor incisions. For the most part, this is an outpatient procedure. Removing the vein will not prevent blood from circulating in your leg since bigger amounts of blood are handled by veins deeper in the leg.

  • ambulatory phlebectomy . Smaller varicose veins are removed by your doctor through a series of minor skin punctures. This outpatient technique numbs only the areas of your leg that are being poked. In most cases, scarring is mild.

Home cures and way of life

There are certain self-care actions you may do to alleviate the discomfort caused by varicose veins. These same precautions can also help prevent or delay the development of varicose veins. They are as follows:

  • Exercise. Get your feet moving. Walking is a wonderful way to increase your leg blood circulation. Your doctor may advise you on what level of activity is appropriate for you.

  • Keep an eye on your weight and your nutrition. Weight loss relieves unnecessary strain on your veins. What you consume can also assist. To avoid edema caused by water retention, eat a low-salt diet.

  • Take care with what you wear. High heels should be avoided. Low-heeled shoes put greater strain on the calf muscles, which is excellent for your veins. Wearing clothing that is too tight around your waist, legs, or groin might restrict blood flow.

  • Raise your legs. Take numerous brief pauses each day to lift your legs above the level of your heart to promote circulation in your legs. Lay down with your legs supported up on three or four pillows, for example.

  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time should be avoided. Make it a point to change positions often to promote blood flow.

Alternative Health Care

Though not well researched, a variety of alternative therapies claim to be effective treatments for chronic venous insufficiency, a disease linked with varicose veins in which leg veins have difficulty sending blood to the heart. Among these treatments are:

  • Chestnut horse

  • a butcher's broom

  • The grape (leaves, sap, seed and fruit)

  • The sweet clover

Before attempting any herb or dietary supplement, consult with your doctor to ensure that these items are safe and will not conflict with any prescriptions.

Getting ready for your appointment

You won't need to do anything special to get ready for your appointment. To diagnose varicose veins and determine the best therapy for your issue, your doctor will need to examine your bare legs and feet.

Your basic care physician may refer you to a specialist who specializes in vein issues (phlebologist), a vascular surgeon, or a dermatologist (dermatologist or dermatology surgeon). In the meanwhile, there are some things you can do to prepare for your visit and start practicing self-care.

What you could do

Make a list of the following:

  • Your symptoms, including those that appear unrelated to varicose veins, as well as the date they began

  • Important personal information, such as a family history of varicose or spider veins

  • All medications, vitamins, and supplements you use, as well as the doses

  • What to Ask Your Doctor


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